Sunday, December 22, 2013


The anesthesiologist decided to give Izabelle yet another new anesthetic on Friday for her third Ictal Spect because of her heart murmur. I guess in hope that it wouldn't create any irregular heart beats like the other two medications did. It wasn't until I was in the recovery room that one of the nurses said that if people were aroused earlier then one hour and a half after the anesthesia was given that they would go into a rage. This was my first red flag with the new medication. On Tuesday, I believe Izabelle was given Dexmedetomidine which made it very hard for Izabelle to wake up and created some irregular heart beats. On Wednesday, the anesthesiologists gave Izabelle something different…. maybe Propofol. This med didn't put Izabelle to sleep in a graceful manner but when she woke up it was easier. On Friday, when Izabelle came out from anesthesia she was not herself. While in recovery she couldn't stay still, was very restless and continued to roll around from side to side in attempt to get comfortable. I don't think she knew if she wanted to be sitting up or laying down. She kept getting tangled in all the cords so I decided to climb up into the bed with her to keep her still. There are no better words for it, but she was acting kind of drunk. The nurses brought us back to our room and I ordered dinner. Izabelle was grouchy, unstable physically and couldn't stay still. She kept repeating phrases and rocking back and forth. She had a meltdown when dinner came and she received fries with her hotdog (which she asked for) instead of chips. Later,  I gave her the MobyGo to play, a handheld game. She got so frustrated that she threw it across the room and had a fit when I took it away. Izabelle fell asleep at 4:30pm that afternoon abruptly. I couldn't let her sleep or we would continue our crazy irregular sleep schedule so I woke her up at 6:30pm. We stayed up until 9:00pm. Izabelle was still uneasy and I had to stay close to her bedside to make sure she didn't get wrapped up in her EEG chords. We both slept the whole night from 9:00pm-8:00am Saturday. 

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