Thursday, January 15, 2015

The beginning of our medical marihuana journey

Izabelle has been on medical merijuana for over a month now. She started on a tincture from the Wellness Connection of Maine. The tincture was given 4-5 times a day. We did see a mild decrease of seizure activity even with the level of Treleptal being left at a much lower dosing when we started. Mild decrease and 3/4s of the medication was a good start. 

Now the one problem with the medicine provided by the Wellness Connection is the fact that they have not been tested. There is no way to tell how much THC and CBD there is in each dose, or even in each bottle. 

We next were led to the Remedy Compassion Center where not only do they have tested product by a very high CBD strain very similar to the one developed in Colorodo. The only difference is CBD in Colorodo has about 10grams more CBD per ml then they do at this dispensary. For us, this is a good start because believe me that if this doesn't work, I would most definitely relocate our family to Colorodo to cure her of these horrible seizures. 

This is a picture of Izabelle with the co founder of the Remedy Compassion Center, Jenna. 

We've barely made it a week and Izabelle's seizures have increased. I had a phone conversation yesterday about tincture versus edibles... Edibles stay in the system longer but not at the same levels and it takes about 30minutes to 1 hour to become effective. The tincture is effective within minutes but only stays in the system for up to two hours. I am going to give it about two weeks but I'm beginning to believe that tinctures given at the most frequent seizure times will prove to be more effective. 

Time will tell. 

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